“Bringing Greater Dimension To Your Dramatic Performance.”
Email: actingwithtshyre@nunuradio.com
Telephone: (646) 228 0814
“Acting with Klehotas Tshyre”, focuses on the philosophy and techniques of “The Tshyre Process”, a system of acting coined by veteran playwright, producer, director, Klehotas Tshyre, founder and executive, producing, artistic director of Tshyre’s Spellbound Repertory Theatre, of East Harlem. The Tshyre process is a system of acting that encompasses the organized use of imagination, analysis, through the art of questioning, sensory, and what Tshyre refers to as the concentrated use of “esthetic momentum”, with the goal of a physical and psychological transformation of character, by the actor.
According to Tshyre what tends to separate “The Tshye Process”, from other systems of acting, is the relationship established between actor and imagination, or what Tshyre refers to as the actor’s creative guidance system, or creative intelligentsia. With “The Tshyre Process”, the actor does not use the imagination, the imagination uses the actor.
“Acting with Klehotas Tshyre” aims to bring greater dimension to the actor’s performance by focusing each week on a specific topic of ” The Tshyre Process”, with the intent of not only simplifying the process but making it easily adaptable to the demands of today’s theater. “The Tshyre process” may also be easily adaptable to work in film and television; However, for best results, Klehotas Tshyre encourages attending his classes at the Tshyre Spellbound Repertory Theater in East Harlem.
“Acting with Klehotas Tshyre” airs on NUNU Radio at www.NUNURadio.com or radio.NUNURadio.com, on Thursdays at 8 pm and Saturdays at 9 am EST.
To learn more you may contact Mr. Tshyre at the above email or telephone number.